Write a program to know the memory allocation to primitive datatype in DMA.


Write a program to know the memory allocation to primitive datatype in DMA.

using namespace std;
int main()
    int *i=new int();
    cout<<"\n address:"<<i<<endl;
    delete i;                                  
    cout<<"\n\n i="<<i;
    float *f;
    f=new float(7.8);
    cout<<"\n\n f="<<f;
    cout<<"\n\n *f="<<*f;
    delete f;
    char *c=new char('a');
    cout<<"\n\n *c="<<*c;
    cout<<"\n\n c="<<(int)c;









Write a program to know the memory allocation to primitive datatype in DMA. Write a program to know the memory allocation to primitive datatype in DMA. Reviewed by Unknown on January 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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